MODSONIC is a leading Indian manufacturer, exporter and marketer of portable “Ultrasonic Testing Equipment”. The product range covers various models of Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors, Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges, Railway Products, Various standard and custom made probes, Reference / Calibration Blocks and other allied accessories.

Our Export Destinations
Modsonic – Ultrasonic Testing Equipment
Customer Satisfaction

We have more then 1000 satisfied customers in India and Overseas.
Our Customer segment includes Foundries, Forging Units, Fabrication Units, Defense, Automobile units, Oil Refineries, Railways, NDT Service companies, NDT training companies, and more.
Quality Policy
Modsonic Instruments would like to emerge as number one Indian manufacturer of Ultrasonic Testing Equipment by maintaining quality standards in all the operations through involvement and development of its people and effective implementation and continual improvement of Quality Management System.

We have our presence in major cities of India. You can join our network.
Get In Touch With Us For
UltraSonic Flaw Detectors, Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge, Ultrasonic Transducers,
Allied Accessories & Railway Products
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